Monday 6 March 2017

5 Common Reasons Why People Have Trouble Identifying Their Dream


“A dream is the seed of possibility planted in the soul of a human being, which calls him to pursue a unique path to the realization of his purpose.”

Here are the reasons:
  1. Some people have been discouraged from dreaming by others. Many people have had their dreams knocked right out of them! The world is filled with dream crushers and idea killers.

  2. Some people are hindered by past disappointments and hurts. Disappointment is the gap that exists between expectation and reality. All of us have encountered that gap. When something goes wrong, we say, “I’ll never do that again!” What a mistake, especially when it comes to our dreams! Failure is the price we must pay to achieve success.

  3. Some people get in the habit of settling for average. Columnist Maureen Dowd says, “The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.” Dreams require a person to stretch, to go beyond average. You can’t reach for a dream and remain safely mediocre at the same time. The two are incompatible.

  4. Some people lack the confidence needed to pursue their dreams. Humor columnist Erma Bombeck observed, “It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else.” It takes confidence to talk about a dream and even more to pursue it. And sometimes confidence separates the people who dream and pursue those dreams from those who don’t.

  5. Some people lack the imagination to dream. How do people discover their dreams? By dreaming! That may sound overly simplistic, but that’s where it starts. Imagination is the soil that brings a dream to life.


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